As we all know, Microsoft named the next version of Windows, "Windows 7". There has been lots of talk about this recently. Here my opinion how this happened.
When finishing up Vista (windows NT 6.0) Microsoft started planning for the next major version (7.0). Someone gave the project the obvious code name "Windows 7". 20 months later Vista wasn't doing so well and Microsoft
realized they had to fix this by releasing a new version of Windows much sooner than planned. They stopped the addition of new features and decided to go with what they had. At this point the changes between the new version
and Vista were just enough for a point release, therefor the Version is "Windows NT 6.1". However, someone in marketing liked the Windows 7 name so much that they decided to stick with it. Of course this was a stupid idea; 7 != 6.1
To help Microsoft with a name for Windows NT 7.0 here are some suggestions, not all should be taken serious:
- Windows 8 (following Windows 7) - as stupid as Windows 7
- Windows FE (Fifth Edition) - because it is the fifth major edition of NT (3.x, 4.0, 2000[5.x] and Vista [6.x])
- Windows VII (roman 7) - another 7, but maybe people would think it is a game console.
- Windows Jet (the OS to take you into the cloud)
- Windows.NET (New Enhanced Technology, also announcing the fact that finally there will be managed code in the OS)
- Windows 2012 Workstation (release year) - this works for the server versions already.
- Windows Mesa (Spanish for table, OS used for desktops)
- Windows XP R2 (XP, best selling Windows ever)
- Windws (with Web 2.0 features)
- Windows VAX (paying tribute to the face that many ideas in NT came from VMS of the VAX)
more to come...