Peter's trip around the world 2005-2007

What's this all about?
After six and a half years in London I decided I needed a break and a new job. Rather than having a few weeks off and then starting somewhere else, I thought it would be nice to have a proper break and travel to some countries I've never been before. There are loads of them but for this trip I decided for Asia and then on to Australia and New Zealand. Originally I planned to travel for six months, now it seems I will be away for 24 which means I will be back in London in August 2007.
Canada flag Canada June 2007
My Photos
flag United States May-August 2007
New York Photos | Other photos | Itinerary
flag Tahiti 23 May 2007
flag Cook Islands May 2007
My Photos | Travelog
flag New Zealand March-May 2007
Photos South | Travelog South
Photos North | Travelog North
flag Australia January-March 2007
My Photos | Hahndorf Photos
Itinerary | Travelog
flag Sumatra (Indonesia) October 2006
My Photos | Itinerary| Travelog
flag Philippines September 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Malaysia September 2006
Some photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Indonesia June/July 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Singapore May 2006 - January 2007
My Photos | Travelog
flag Malaysia May 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Thailand April/May 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Laos April 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Thailand March 2006
flag Myanmar (Burma) March 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Thailand February 2006
Itinerary | Travelog
flag Cambodia January/February 2006
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Vietnam December 2005 / January 2006
My Photos | Itinerary
Travelog North | Travelog South
flag China September-December 2005
China photos | Hongkong photos
Itinerary | Travelog
flag Mongolia September 2005
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Russia September 2005
My Photos | Itinerary | Travelog
flag Through Europe August 2005
My Photos | Travelog
map sample

26-August-2007 (Day 735) And that was that, I finished my trip in my hometown of Bremen in northern Germany. I will work for my brother's company for a few months and then decide where I want to live next. London is still a likely but not a definite choice.
All the photos are stored on Flickr and Picasa. Follow the links under each country to view all photos for the country. There is a slideshow for each country, just follow the link in the top right corner of the page. Olivia finally uploaded her photos as well, and hers are much better than mine, please have a look
There are also some photos of me taken by other people.
If you are confused by all the different currencies, here's a conversion table I also started a page with various lists but didn't get very far yet. Here are some maps with countries and states I have visited so far (ever).